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Found 76819 results for any of the keywords frank 039 s. Time 0.011 seconds.
FRANK DISALVO | MusicFrank Sings The Great American Songbook
FRANK DISALVO | BandsFrank and band the Sundowners bring to you Classic country featuring the good old boys: Willie, Waylon, Cash, Buck, Merle ,George Jones. and classics from the time. NO NEW COUNTRY !
FRANK DISALVO | NewsWe have a new Promo for The Sinatra Story live show!
FRANK DISALVO | EPKFrank’s shows will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart as you enjoy his ability to recreate the sights and sounds of the legendary singer Frank Sinatra, and the great crooners of that era.Frank also has an
Welcome - Frank s Sports ShopFrom sporting goods to recreation; clothing, footwear, workwear, sporting licenses or embroidery services; find it at Frank s Sports Shop -
FRANK DISALVO | ContactFrank DiSalvofrank@frankdisalvo.com760-668-2901
FRANK DISALVO | CalendarWe are excited to announce, very soon, a new venue for Frank this up and coming season.
FRANK DISALVO | PhotosFrank Sinatra s 102nd Birthday Celebration
FRANK DISALVO | BioAt that time I was into MY kind of music Beatles and pop rock of the day. (Mom still played the crooners of the day all day. I was always hearing it in the home.) Then I heard Eric Clapton play and it knock me out and ki
FRANK DISALVO | Palm Desert s Premiere Entertainer!Frank DiSalvo celebrates the musical legacy of Sinatra, Martin, Darin, Bennett, Cole, and the Great American Songbook.
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